Episode 318 – Bedazzled (1967)

A new year and a . . . slightly new series. Technically we started this one last year with “Wicked” but . . . look, stop nit-picking ok? Why must you hound me so?! Where will it all end?! Well, not with this week’s entry in our “Remember! You Asked For It!” series, that’s for gosh-darn sure. And speaking of being gosh-darned, this week’s entry deals with that very touchy subject: selling your soul to the Devil! Yes, in this moderned-up version of the Faust story, Dudley Moore sells his soul to the Peter Cook (who makes a darn fine devil, don’tchaknow) meaning that his soul will be darned to Heck for all etern-diddly-ernity! That’s a dilly of a pickle! This suggestion comes to us from the Lord of Flightless Tuxedo-Clad Birds, Vince, dread master of the Great Dark North. Join us and see how British humor merges with the concept of sin, free will, blowing raspberries, and nuns on trampolines! And never forget the magic words: “Julie Andrews”! [disclaimer: Ms. Andrews does not appear in this film. Racquel Welch does, but she is not to be confused with Julie Andrews. Nor could she be, really]

Poll question: do you have a favorite biblical, or bible-adjacent movie? “Ten Commandments”? “Dogma”? “Jesus Christ: Superstar”? Leave a comment or call our Unholy Hotline at 617-398-7266.

4 thoughts on “Episode 318 – Bedazzled (1967)”

  1. You fill me with inertia… that line always makes me laugh out loud in Bedazzled. I am sorry it wasn’t as fun for you guys (especially Mike) as it is for me but I get it is not going to work for everyone. Overall I detest religion based movies, I don’t have a any interest in the bible. It’s read it twice (2 different versions) and it’s about as uninspiring as you can get in literature. “Life of Brian” really is fantastic and did a lot with the not just the biblical ideas but the religious dogma that came along with it but i don’t think many bible scholars feel that way about it!

    1. Yeah, I remember liking “Bedazzled” more when I first saw it, but I still think it has fun elements.
      I agree that “Life of Brian” is much smarter than people give it credit for. It’s a really interesting take on the nature of faith and how desperate some people are for something to follow. Thanks, Pope o’ Penguins!

  2. It’s one you mentioned: Dogma.

    As the kid of an Episcopal clergyman in the 60’s and 70’s, I endured a LOT of happy-clappy guitar-Christianity during mandatory Vacation Bible School, Church Camp and Teen Youth Group. So I found “Buddy Christ” a stroke of genius: simultaneously absurd and ever so slightly plausible. Lots else in that movie to love as well.

    1. Well, you anticipated one of my answers as well; “Dogma” is awesome. Kevin Smith was brilliant to cast George Carlin, an outspoken critic of the Catholic Church, as a Cardinal. This is another great take on the nature of faith and belief. Also, I totally buy Allan Rickman as the Voice.

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