Episode 299 – The Fantastic Four (1994 . . . sort of)

Welcome to the final Roger Corman episode (no, really, we mean it this time) in our mini-series “Be Adjacent to the Cor-Man.” Super-hero movies: can you believe there was a time when they weren’t being released on a daily basis? This dim and distant era was called “The 1990’s” and we didn’t have any of this fancy CGI crap or compelling stories or talented actors! No! We had to stuff hamsters into tiny spandex body suits and tie little capes around their necks and try to get them to fight while we played the ”Carmina Burana” in the background! You think that was easy? Do you know how hard it is to get hamsters to fight ANYTHING? I do! Never mind how I know! But in this dark and strange time, all we had to eat was cardboard and wooly mammoth jerky (and the occasional hamster, but never mind about that). And the only decent superhero movies we had were a couple of Superman and Batman films. Where was Marvel Comics in all this? Making terrible Captain America movies, that’s where! Well, Roger Corman and others decided that there was a need and they filled it! Well, sort of. I mean, they started to fill it and . . . or maybe someone else didn’t want them filling it . . . because this was the film the Fantastic Four needed, but not the film it deserved . . . it’s complicated. Because I’m Batman! [editor’s note: Max is in no way, shape, or form Batman]. Anyway, here is the very first film adaptation of Marvel’s First Family that was never actually released because it was so . . . good? Give a listen and find out.

Poll question: What did you think of the recent two-movie adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune?

Get this: you can call our super-special-awesome Max, Mike; Movies Hotline™ and record your response! Leave us a message and we’ll use it on the show. Just call 617-398-7266! No operators are standing by!

Episode 298 – Grand Theft Auto (1977)

We thought we were free of the Cor-Man, but we’ve decided to do him true honor, we must honor the films that he may not have directed but that are still covered in his sweaty hand-prints, and this week is no different . . . from this week. We’re taking on 1977’s “Grand Theft Auto,” the directorial debut of one Opie Cunningham . . . I mean, Ron Howard! Yes, before he started winning Oscars and Saturn Awards (but after appearing in “Valley of the Giants” and “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father” [the movie, not the tv show]) Little Ronnie directed and starred in this car-based romantic comedy action film, written by none other than his dear old dad, the great Rance Howard (R.I.P.), who also appears in the film with his sonny boy. How well does this family affair hold up after so many years? Is this a Corman-esque dud or do we see some of the bright flicker of hope that this young ginger director may one day bring? You know how to find out . . .

Poll question: who was your favorite child star and in what role?