No Episode This Week

Sorry, most beloved and perspicacious listeners, no episode this week; Mike and I are off doing incredibly cool and time-consuming things. Oh, such cool things! Wish we could tell you about them but they’re just too cool to be relayed. Totally. Yeah. That’s why there’s no episode this week. Yeeeaaahhhh . . . . But fear not, we’ll be back next week, when we’ll be less cool. No, wait . . .

No episode this week

Hello, dear listeners! Sadly, due to circumstances beyond our control, there will be no episode this week. Fear not; we will rejoin you next week with more biting commentary (or at least gumming commentary). Please don’t worry; this episode absence has nothing to do with Mike’s crippling addiction to Strawberry Qwik or any involvement Max might have in international smuggling of counterfeit Bill Keane “Family Circus” artwork. Those are just silly rumors and I’m surprised you’d bring them up.