Welcome to our sesquicentennial episode! We know big words! And for our 150th, we have a very special episode. That’s right, this time it’s Mike who’s not wearing any pants! Wait, no, please come back! Kidding! Kidding! No, we really do have something special for our latest episode of “Whitewashing,” we have a super-special-awesome seriously-very-cool guest, Dr. Rebecca Pelky of Clarkson University, professor of film studies, author, poet, and member of the Brothertown Indian Nation of Wisconsin. Professor Pelky brings her insights and sharp observations to this movie, particularly to the portrayal of the already-problematic character of Tonto by the VERY problematic Johnny Depp. Give a listen and see what an actual smart person has to say about this movie! Mike and I will be there too. Hi-ho Bumpy! Away!
[please note: we had some problems with the audio in this episode but thanks to Mike’s masterful sound engineering, they shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Also, that’s not Max at the end but an incredible simulation]
Poll question: what is the first movie you remember seeing in an actual movie theater?
Some special bonus material: if you are interested in reading some of Dr. Pelky’s works, and you should be, please check out these links:
Hiking Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, 3rd Edition: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781493053452/Hiking-Michigan’s-Upper-Peninsula-A-Guide-to-the-Area’s-Greatest-Hikes-Third-Edition
Horizon of the Dog Woman:
Through a Red Place (forthcoming September 2021):
George Floyd Memorial Fund: https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd
ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/
Black Lives Matter: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019
Southern Poverty Law Center: https://donate.splcenter.org/

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I liked the special guest star! She was more interesting than this movie could even hope to be!
My first movie was Pinocchio at a cinema in a mall my parents left me and my cousins in while they shopped. I think it might have been a double feature with the Love Bug!
Thanks on all accounts, Vince! I’m willing to bet they coupled the Love Bug with just about anything. Have three extra BumpyBux and a side of hash to go!
Great episode, and thank you to both you two and professor Pelky for arranging this crossover event! It worked really well, and I learned a lot.
Embarrassingly enough, the first movie I remember seeing in theaters is Space Jam, which I dragged my dad and my grandad to. I am so sorry.
@Mike–your flawless Max impersonation made me think of the titular Big Bunny from this cartoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPwWD4ga34w . Spot on in every way! This is exactly how I hear Max’s voice in my head.
THAT’S how I sound to you? Like a 20 foot tall pink carnivorous rabbit with fangs?!
You know what? I’m ok with that.
Thanks for the comments, Ned! No need to be embarrassed by “Space Jam”!
Thanks so much, Ned! And wow! I could be convinced that Max himself voiced that character! It’s spooky! 😀