Episode 162: Back to the Future (1985)

And now we arrive at the end of our series “I’d Forgotten How Much I Hate Time Travel”! Or perhaps we’re just at the beginning . . . no, no, we’re really not.  Mike and I have now remembered just how much we do hate time travel and we’re quite done with it.  But not before we tackle one of the best-known and most beloved time travel movie of modern(ish) times, Robert Zemeckisisisisis’s’s’s original “Back to the Future”! We’ve got Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, and Crispin Glover! Great Scott! Yes, I’m sure there’s a guy named Scott in there somewhere and I’m sure he’s just great.  That’s probably him sitting next to Huey Lewis.  Anyway, this movie dares to ask the question: if you build a time machine out of a Delorean, how much cocaine does it take to power it? 80’s joke, heyoooo! Seriously, this movie does raise a number of interesting ideas about time travel, not the least of which is that apparently Polaroid photographs are incredibly sensitive, well-calibrated measurement tools for temporal anomalies.  Hear that, Captain Picard? All that fancy equipment on the Enterprise and all you needed was a cheap photo! What the heck am I talking about? What the heck am I EVER talking about? Give a listen and find out!

Poll question: what’s one of your favorite examples of perfect movie casting? I mean, what was that one character where you saw who was playing them and went “Yep, they couldn’t have done better”?

George Floyd Memorial Fund:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd

ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/

Black Lives Matter: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019

Southern Poverty Law Center: https://donate.splcenter.org/

2 thoughts on “Episode 162: Back to the Future (1985)”

  1. I like this movie but not as much as most and didn’t care for the sequels, especially the western one. I don’t like westerns as a rule.

    Perfect casting? David Bowie in the “Man Who Fell to Earth” which apparently going to be a TV show soon for some reason.

    1. Thanks, Vince. A lot of folks don’t seem to like the sequels. I did and thought they worked well together, though the happenstance of our ancestors all looking just like us is a bit much. As for Bowie, that’s such an odd movie. I can’t see how this would be adaptable into today’s world at all. But I guess we’ll see. Thanks! More BumpyBux for you!

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