Like sands through the hourglass, so are the episodes of “Semi-Real People” and this last grain is “Pollock.” Note that this movie is NOT about the tasty fish, as many of us, I mean, many of you might think but rather about the turbulent later life of one of the most famous, if not the most famous, American painters, Jackson Pollock (note: not only are no fish involved but this was NOT the original name of the Jackson Five. I’m sure some of me, I mean, some of you were very confused by this. Happy to clear that up). Jackson Pollock, the man who redefined surrealism and gave rise to the comment heard in many an art gallery: “Huh. My kid could just drip paint on a canvas like that.” Spoiler alert: no, they really couldn’t. Tortured by mental illness, alcoholism, and his desperate need for acceptance of his work, Jackson Pollock may not make for the cheeriest of subjects but he’s certainly not boring. Give a listen and learn the answer to the ancient question: how many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb? Answer: two. One to hold the giraffe and the other to fill the bathtub with brightly colored machine parts. Thank you! I’ll be here all week! Try the roast pony!
Poll question: Is there a movie that you think loses impact by being seen on the small screen? Is there a movie you’re really glad you saw in the theater or you wish you had seen there?
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I didn’t love this movie but it was more that it didn’t speak to me ant not because there was anything wrong with it. “Love is the devil” about Francis bacon was more my speed. Living with an abstract modern artist for 8 years gave me an appreciation of that kind of art I would not have had otherwise, but it still isn’t something that I seek out.
What movie loses impact outside the movie theatre? All of them? I will say I hate 3D but I do like imax for some films, gravity for example was amazing on the super big screen. I have it on blue ray but nothing beats that opening shot on a large screen with an audience gasping around you.
IMAX is cool though I don’t know that I need it for that much. If you’re close enough, it’s hard turning your head to look back and forth between speaking people! Thanks for the comment, Vince, as always. Spend those BumpyBux wisely!
Sounds like a good way to close out semi-real people! I think you two record on Thursdays, so I might be late, but here goes: I think the Harry Potter movies lose a lot of their luster if you’re not watching them with the crowd. However, I’d like to pose the opposite question to you two. Have you ever watched movies that you think played better on your TV than they would on a big screen? I don’t even know if that’s possible, but I thought if anyone would know it might be you guys.
That’s a good question, Ned, and we may use it as a poll question later on! Or, rather, I might steal it. We didn’t get this in time for this week’s show, but you still get BumpyBux, which is the important thing. Thanks!