So, our series “Semi-Real People” has been held over by popular demand (meaning Mike and I both demanded it and that’s one hundred percent of our staff, so that’s pretty popular) for a couple more episodes and here is one of them! Guess what’s coming next week? That’s right, the other one! Oh, I guess you think you’re pretty smart, figuring that out. You think you’re better than me, is that it? College has changed you, man! Ahem. Anyway. This week’s entry is “Persepolis,” our first animated biopic; actually it’s an animated autobiographical pic, as this movie tells the story of Marjane Satrapi and her life growing up in Iran during the turbulent times of the 1970’s through the 1990’s, with the overthrow of the Shah, the bloody war with Iraq, and the rise of religious extremism. Yes, it’s a laugh-riot the whole way. Yes, I’m lying but it’s actually a really interesting story. Is it grim and disturbing the whole way though? Are there amusing moments? Why are you expecting me to answer these questions here? Listen to the podcast, smarty-pants!
Poll question: Is there a book you love, which you would really like to see made into a movie but which has not yet been made into one? Please answer in the comment field below.
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My mom, of all people, gave me this graphic novel 3 years ago and I still have not read it! Now I have to!
I keep hearing how someone or another want to make Lovecraft’s “At the mountains of madness” into a film but I’m not sold it would work. My secret wish is that someone will take the super obscure Quentin Crisp fictional novel “Chog” and do something with it but it’s really out there as it involves a dog that has inherited the title of Duke and fathers a child with the maid.. well not a child, not a dog… a CHOG.
Chog sounds like just your kind of thing, Vince! I know some of Lovecraft’s stuff has been adapted (usually VERY liberally). Thanks for listening and commenting! BumpyBux, of course!
Toby and I named our white mini schnauzer Chog, because of course we did.
In response to your poll question my assistant, Stephen, instantly said “Ride a Pale Horse” by Piers Anthony. Just so ya know.
That’s two votes for Piers Anthony (we got another one on FaceBook). I’m kind of surprised no one has sought to adapt his work unless there’s some kind of legal issue. There is a lot of it and fantasy is generally popular these days. Take some BumpyBux for your troubles. Take some more, and thanks!
I think we’re finally getting to the point in the development of special effects where a movie version of Neuromancer wouldn’t be embarrassing to watch. Obviously, the visuals aren’t actually the hard part–that would be the casting, the writing, and, you know, everything else–but in order to sell the movie the ‘online’ bits need to be reasonable, otherwise people won’t be able to understand Case’s obsession with the matrix except by categorizing him as a massive nerd.
On the harder side of things, Kim Stanley Robinson’s Red Mars/Green Mars/Blue Mars trilogy is long overdue for a TV series, IMO. It jumps the rails a bit in the last book, but until then the politicking and the intrigue is super compelling. Sure, you’d need a megabudget to make it work, what with the cast of literally about sixty people, but if Game of Thrones can do it, so can this one.
Hell, Ned! Thanks for the poll answers. Neuromancer might be tough as so much takes place inside ‘the head,’ if I remember correctly. Doesn’t mean it couldn’t be done but it would be a challenge. I’m not familiar with the Mars books but I might look them up. As soon as it exists, look for the BumpyHut catalog and some Bux in the mail! And thanks again!
Sorry, that should be “HellO, Ned!”
Well hell, Mike, you could’ve just said hello! And I totally agree on Neuromancer being a huge challenge to convert into a screenplay, but I think Hollywood’s gotten a lot better at that.
In a similar vein, I think a lot of Neal Stephenson’s books would make for great movies, especially Snow Crash and Reamde, chapters of Sumerian mythology and generally creepy attitude towards women notwithstanding.
Huge plug for the Mars books, btw. They’re all doorstops, and they’re as dry as their subject, but it’s the most realistic depiction of Mars colonization I can imagine, and it’s not actually boring. His later books feel a little…disconnected? Floaty? Not filmed in focus? But these three are well-grounded. Everyone has their own motives in going to Mars, and it starts out with the first hundred scientists trying to create a viable Martian settlement. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I really enjoyed it.
“Snow Crash,” I think is just too long for a movie. Most of the Stephenson I’ve read is that way. He also has this problem with endings…(see: Cryptonomicon). Series, perhaps? As for screenwriting in Hollywood, I think the talent is there, but the gatekeepers are the problem. Anything challenging or experimental seems to just be a big no in general. It’s amazing movies like “The Arrival” get made at all. Will take a look at the Mars books. Thanks, Ned!