Episode 294 – A Bucket of Blood (1959)

Hey, all you Daddy-os and cool chicks! Get hip to this new scene, man! We got some groovin’ behoovin’ all in the name of that heppest of hepcats Rog Corman and man, is this guy a real gone cat! We’re  diggin’ the scene in our scenario-series “Be Like the Cor-man”, man, and brother, have we got a blast this week with “A Bucket of Blood”. Man, we’re not just copping a bit, we’re not a couple of gin mill cowboys, we’re laying down the ginchiest melody around! This pucker palace has it all: art, murder, folk singing, and that squarest of cubes, Burt Convy! But don’t blow your jets, this is going to be boss! So focus your audio and pick up what we’re putting down; it’s better than a zonk in the head. Crazy, daddy-o, crazy!

[Translation from “Beat”: we’re pleased as punch that you’re joining us as we discuss Roger Corman’s “A Bucket of Blood.” Our discussion should be quite nifty.]

Poll question: what genre do you think mixes best with comedy?

2 thoughts on “Episode 294 – A Bucket of Blood (1959)”

  1. I didn’t remember i had seen this movie until you described it. I am relived Max didn’t have to sit through a gore fest!

    I feel that animation is the best genre for comedy… if animation is considered a genre. It always for more extreme physicality and situations that comedies often trade in and I think more outrageous elements are much easier to accept and take in with animated films. Sometimes horror and comedy go well but, for me only if the comedy is secondary to the horror and used as relief or a way to make the horror more surprising.

    1. I don’t think I’d call animation a genre but a medium. But I think I know what you mean; there’s a type of comedy that can’t be done in any other way but animation. That being said, I think horror and comedy have a really unique blend. Thanks, Vince!

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